Monday, June 11, 2012

Rust's, Keats, and Moose

On a whim today I took a float plane out to some nearby mountains- it's pretty fun to randomly decide to do something like this, and that's the opportunity you get up here!

Rust's is a pretty famous fleet out of Fort Hood, which is the largest float plane base in the world. Sarah Palin tends to frequent their service on her (hit?) TV show haha. Naturally I felt like a VIP flying with them.

From the plane we saw a few moose, and I think I saw a bear but it's hard to tell from up there. 

Here's the bear (Keats) I have to live with at my apartment:

This grizzly creature has a nasty bite and a habit of stalking it's prey. 

I saw my first moose within city limits this past weekend! It was as big as a car, and had a tiny calf with it so I was sure to give it some distance. Unfortunately all I have to document my adventures has been my iPhone, but I plan on buying a nice camera very soon! Expect my pictures to get better!! 

This is a spot about 2 minutes away from my apartment that I go to relax. It's actually a decent sized river, but this was an offshoot still-pond that had some ducks, and about 6 tiny ducklings hidden in the grass. I saw the moose with her calf not far from here. The water is really cold.

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