Sunday, July 29, 2012

Crow Pass and Hatcher Pass

My mom surprised me this past week by coming up for five days on business! She had known for two weeks beforehand but kept it from me until she was 100% sure it would happen.

We had every kind of seafood imaginable and got some solid hiking done. First up was Crow Pass, a 21 mile pass over a mountain and through some rivers. We didn't finish the hike, but we got a good workout in. The next day we headed north through Palmer into Hatcher Pass. This was less strenuous but still a great hike. 

A stop by the musk ox farm on the way home ended our vacation. I was so glad to have her up here (again!) and I am looking forward to returning to Texas. I've just got one more thing to do up here...

1 comment:

  1. I love that mom is wearing my old Theta tshirt. Classic.
