Monday, July 9, 2012

Davis' Alaska

The whole family joined me for a week in Alaska!

We started off our excursion with a hike up Flattop Mountain. Everyone was happy to reach the top, but it wasn't easy! The winds at the peak were literally pushing me around!

The next day we headed south to Seward. This was new terrain for me, and it brought new experiences. We had my first bear sighting! A black bear was about twenty yards away from us outside our hotel room. A wildlife cruise in the rain took us out to some amazing islands and fjords. We saw multiple humpback whales, a bunch of speedy Dall's porpoises, seal, eagles, and puffins.

Heading north to Denali National Park took a while but was well worth it. We saw Mt. McKinley (third most prominent mountain in the world), more than 10 grizzly bears (a bunch of cubs too), caribou, and some of the most ridiculous views I've ever experienced. We went white water rafting Sunday morning down the Nenana River. Too much fun.

I'll miss my family until I get home mid-August. Until then, I'll try to live up to my favorite Fight Club quote..."We just had a near-life experience, fellas."

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